• 2021-04-14
    Commercial credit is the credit happened between_____
  • enterprises


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      Credit Line covers all of the following but ____. A: drawing commercial papers B: granting loans C: opening letters of credit D: opening letters of guarantee

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      Commercial banks' involvement in credit money creation is correctly expressed as (). A: creation of deposit money B: creation of Monetary Base C: creation of cash in circulation D: the sole creator of credit money

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      B/L is the abbreviation for() A: letter of credit B: buying contract C: commercial invoice D: bill of lading

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      B/L is the abbreviation for ______. A: letter of credit B: B. buying contract C: commercial invoice D: bill of lading

    • 4

      根据公众号的本周文章判断下列说法是否正确:One of important differences between credit card and debit card is that credit card has moreassociated fees.