• 2022-06-11
    Culture dictates every stage of the communication process, in which we are raised in a particular culture and learn its language, ________ and norms.
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      In order to learn a language<br/>well, a sound command of its culture in quite necessary. ()

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      Language is heavily tinted with its culture, and culture also affects its people’s language uses.

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      In high-context culture, most of information in communication is not conveyed by______________. A: verbal language B: shared norms C: shared values D: context

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      Match the term with its definition.A stage of culture shock, in which the new arrivals may feel euphoric and be pleased by all of the new things encountered. A: culture shock B: reverse culture shock C: recovery stage D: low-contest culture E: repression F: honeymoon stage G: rejection H: high-context culture

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      apply behavior avoid bore highly ‏ignore negative culture secure tend‏Language is the medium of _____ , and when we learn a foreign language, we are exposed to a culture quite different from ours. ‏‌‏