• 2022-06-11
    Read the passage and find out:setting the scene, rising action, climax, falling action, resolutionYou can add some related information if needed.
  • setting the scene: When I was in the Nazi concentration camp, I was pacing around the barbed wire and met the girl.rising action:I was taken to another concentration camp, and I couldn't see the girl any more.climax:We met again because of the blind date.学生可自行添加"falling action","resolution"。


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      Plots usually progress through 5 stages: Exposition, Rising Action, ______, Falling Action and Resolution.

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      What is NOT a basic element of plot? A: exposition or introduction B: climax  C: falling action D: character

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      Read the passage carefully,()you’ll find the information related to the main idea in it. A: and B: if C: or D: so

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      Read the passage then find out how many parts the passage can be divided into? What are they? Sum up the main idea for each part.

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      ‎I tried to acquire the information I needed.‎ A: read B: find C: search D: obtain