A: delete stu where score<60;
B: delete from stu where score<60;
C: delete stu
D: truncate stu where score<60;
A: delete stu where score<60;
B: delete from stu where score<60;
C: delete stu
D: truncate stu where score<60;
- 删除student表中学号为101的记录。其SQL语句为( )。 A: DELETE stu where stu_no=101 B: DELETE studnets C: DELETE student WHERE stu_no=101 D: DELETE FROM student WHERE stu_no=101
- 下面选项中,查询stu表中id值不在2和5之间的学生的SQL语句是( )。 A: select * from stu where id != 2,3,4,5; B: select * from stu where id not betwen 5 and 2; C: select * from stu where id not betwen 2 and 5; D: select * from stu where id not in 2,3,4,5;
- 从stu表和score表中实现联合查询,查询stu表的id,name字段和score表中的courseid,score字段,两表字段id相同,成绩score大于80分,按score升序排列。
- 查询名字中有“金”字的同学的情况,应使用语句 A: SELECT * FROM stu WHERE stuname='_金_' B: SELECT * FROM stu WHERE stuname='%金%' C: SELECT * FROM stu WHERE stuname like '_金_' D: SELECT * FROM stu WHERE stuname like '%金%'
- 创建视图stu的语句为:CREATE VIEW ss AS【1】* FROM s_view WHERE score>=60