• 2021-04-14
    Handheld devices, such as posters, radios, portable computers and other wireless devices, make up the growing mobile device market.
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      如今,中国 95% 的互联网用户通过移动设备(device)上网。 A: Today 95%’s Internet users go online through mobile devices in China. B: Today 95% of China’s Internet users go online via mobile devices. C: Today 95%’s Internet users go to online through mobile devices in China. D: Today 95% of China’s Internet users online in mobile devices.

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      ( ) is bullying that takes place over digital devices like cell phones, computers, and tablets.

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      Cloud computing is a type of ( )-based computing that provides shared Computer processing resources and data to computers and other devices on demand. A: computer B: Internet C: data D: protocol

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      Operating systems for mobile devices generally are as fully-featured as those made for desktop or laptop computers.

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      A digital computer is generally made up of five dstinct elements: a central processing unit,(). A: memeory storage devices B: crt screen C: a bus D: output devices E: input devices