• 2021-04-14
    Time is our most precious resource because ____________.
  • it is the most perishable good.


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      时间是宝贵的,不要把它浪费在无价值的行动上。 A: Time is precious; never waste worthless deeds. B: Time is precious; do not waste it on worth deeds. C: Time is precious; do not waste it on worthless deeds.

    • 1

      Of all things in the world, life and love are________ . A: very much precious B: more than precious C: the preciousest D: the most precious

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      The parents were quite happy to ________ our suggestion because it had taken their most important concerns into consideration.

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      Most of the time, the interest rate on Treasury notes is below that on money market securities because of their low default risk.

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      They saw sports as a waste of time ______ (take) away the precious time from their children's schoolwork.