• 2022-06-12
    _________ is Sung Ling from Shanghai.
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      Shanghai Library is one of the ten ______ buildings in Shanghai.

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      Sung Ling is in San Francisco to visit______________ . A: John, Kate'sfriend from school B: Mr Summers, Kate's neighbour C: Susan, Grant's wife D: Kate Miller, her exchange partner

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      They go to shanghai. They don’t go to Beijing. They go to shanghai ______ Beijing.

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      How is the weather in Shanghai? A: The weather in Shanghai is fine, sunny but not too hot. B: The weather in Shanghai is cloudy. C: The weather in Shanghai is not too cold. D: It's going to rain in Shanghai.

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      We didn’t go to Shanghai. We went to Hangzhou.We went to Hangzhou ______ . Shanghai,