• 2022-06-12
    List at least 4 means of expressing future time.
  • (1)Will/shall do sth. (e.g. I’ll come and see you next week.) (2)Be going to do sth. (e.g. My grandma is going to learn to drive.) (3)Present progressive. (e.g. The trees are losing their leaves soon.) (4)Simple present. (e.g. Tomorrow is Saturday.)


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      According to contract law, an offer can end due to (8) … of time. This means that too much time has passed since the offer was made.

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      The stock market main two sections are: A: Primary and secondary B: Real time and future time C: Primary and Real time D: Secondary and future time

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      It is at least two years we met last time.

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      Please list at least 3 benefits of online shopping.

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      There are lots of means of expressing symbolic meaning in Chinese flower and bird paintings. Lotus stands for              .