• 2022-06-12
    素锦的做法是无情的。The behavior of Su Jin is a _______.
  • harsh


    • 0

      素锦与彩锦的纹样近70种,多具有吉祥寓意,其中以( )与( )为主。

    • 1

      我国唐代时期的织锦,采用纬线起花的做法,称为()。 A: 纬锦 B: 经锦 C: 云锦 D: 唐锦

    • 2

      【单选题】遂 愿 (suí suì) (1.0分) A. suí B. suì

    • 3

      CNKI中查找“伤寒的病因学方面的文献”,应该用下列那个检索式_____ A: SU=伤寒 OR SU=病因学 B: SU=伤寒 NOT 副伤寒 AND 病因学 C: SU=伤寒 AND SU=病因学 D: SU=伤寒 NOT SU=副伤寒 AND SU=病因学

    • 4

      Answer the following question:The following are a few general coategories of behavior, give a few spectific examples of behavior for each category.Moral behavior:Risky behavior:Annoying behavior:Cooperative behavior:Violent behavior:Polite behavior: