• 2022-06-11
    I got a job cutting ______ trees.
    A: up
    B: down
    C: over
  • B


    • 0

      Saudi Arabia has planted the trees to keep the sand from __________ fertile areas. A: taking over B: taking out C: taking down D: taking up

    • 1

      I thought she'd ______ being ashamed of me, but now she looks at me with contemptuous pity. A: got in B: got up C: got over D: got away

    • 2

      By cutting down trees we _______ the natural habitat of birds and animals. A: damage B: injure C: hurt D: wound

    • 3

      By cutting down trees we ______ the natural habitat of birds and animals. A: damage B: injure C: hurt D: harm

    • 4

      I am so tired now that I want to ___. A: turn in B: turn over C: turn up D: turn down