• 2021-04-14
    题干 Her answers_______ her to be innocent.
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      She was startled by their angry reaction to her _____________ remark. A: hurtful B: innocent C: pointless D: content

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      听力长对话第16题 A: Her passport. B: Her smartphone. C: Her watch. D: Her computer.

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      Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard. 1题选(). A: Her friend Erika B: Her little brother C: Her grandfather D: Her grandmother

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      Who gave her encouragement at every turn of her life?: Her boyfriend.|Her doctor.|Her father.|Her mother.

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      —Canyousee____intheroom?<br/>—No,butIcansee____bag. A: her;her B: her;hers C: she;her D: her;she’s