会展旅游MICE由什么构成?( )
A: Meetings
B: Incentives
C: Conventions
D: Exhibitions
A: Meetings
B: Incentives
C: Conventions
D: Exhibitions
- MICE represents the combination of Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions(MICE) ( )
- MICE is a/an ___________ for meetings, incentives, conferencing, and exhibitions. A: information B: name C: acronym D: title
- 会展旅游的定义MICE是指____。
- 会展旅游MICE不包括()。 A: 会议 B: 奖励旅游 C: 研讨会 D: 促销会
- 会展旅游MICE代表 Meeting,Incentive, Convention, Exhibition