• 2022-06-11
    An LED is a coherent light source.
  • 内容

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      4-3。What is the working principle for LED?( ) A: convert electric to light B: convert light to electric C: convert electric to heat

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      发光二极管 LED (Light Emitting Diode)的工作条件是反向偏置。

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      The light emitted by the LED is incoherent light, and its basic principle is . A: spontaneous radiation B: stimulated absorption C: stimulated radiation D: spontaneous absorption

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      The light emitted by the LED is incoherent light, and its basic principle is . A: stimulated absorption B: spontaneous radiation C: stimulated radiation D: spontaneous radiation

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      LED的中文全称为发光二极管,是英文Light Emitting Diode的缩写。