• 2021-04-14
    This ___ will form the basis of our next meeting.
  • agenda


    • 0

      Sections of the minutes of the June meeting do not seem to make ______ in light of the agenda for the meeting. A: reason B: sense C: cause D: basis

    • 1

      Linda sat down _______ the chairman at the meeting. A: entry form B: luck C: next to D: inform

    • 2

      I am calling ______ our meeting next Friday in London. A: at B: about C: to

    • 3

      New officers ______ by our club when we hold our next meeting. A. will elect B. elect C. will be electing D. will be elected

    • 4

      Susan is not at the meeting. She has been absent ______ our meeting for several times. A: from B: B.of C: C.in D: D.at