常见的CLI错误信息% Invalid input detected at ‘^’ marker.的含义是什么?
- 常见的CLI错误信息% Ambiguous command: "show c" 的含义是什么?
- 在Cisco IOS设备上,使用CLI执行命令Switch (config)# hostname EaSt-2+56时,CLI将显示什么内容? A: Switch (config) B: % Invalid input detected C: EaSt-2+56(config) D: EaSt-58(config) E: East-2+56(config) F: Switch EaSt-2+56(config)
- 特权模式下键入”e”并按回车键,系统会显示? A: “% Invalid input detected at '^' marker” B: “% Unknown command or computer name, orunable to find computer address” C: “% Ambiguous command:” D: “% Type "命令 ?" for a list of subcommands”
- 以下命令显示的结果表示命令中出错? A: ZXR10 B: clock ? set Set the time and date C: ZXR10 D: clok ^ % Invalid input detected at '^' marker. E: ZXR10 F: sh ZXR10 G: show ru ZXR10 H: show running-config I: ZXR10(config) J: banner incoming K: Enter TEXT message. End with the character ' L: '. You have entered a secured system.Authorized access only! M:
- Unlike English, Chinese passive structure is often marked by a passive marker. What is the proper marker for the passive structure in “This reality is forged from the physical world and the digital world”?