(汉译英)我终于有空买了一双新鞋。(get around to sth.)
- A. Sentence Translation 4. 我终于有空买了一双新鞋。 I finally _____________buying a pair of new shoes.
- be dedicated to sth. A: contribute to sth. B: pay attention to sth
- 外出时,一定要选择购买一双新鞋,这一分析对吗?
- 分享一双新鞋的温暖
- 不受某事物影响;不考虑某事物 A: opinionated Westerners B: irrespectiveof C: gorge (oneself) on sth. D: tiptoe around sth. E: in terms of F: get away with sth. G: insulate sb. / sth. from / against