• 2022-06-12
    Many of the stories are based on _____.
    A: rumour
    B: story
    C: speaking
    D: talk
  • A


    • 0

      How many stories mentioned in this video?In this video, how many stories are fables? and how many stories are fairy tales?

    • 1

      Questions 21-23 are based on the talk you’ve just heard. How many people are talking in this conversation A: Two. B: Three. C: Four. D: Five.

    • 2

      I often hear him ___about the great writer. A: to talk B: talk C: speaking D: to tell

    • 3

      The stories in Paradise Lost are based on the Old Testament.

    • 4

      Written English is different from_____English in many ways.() A: speaking B: speaking C: spoken D: speak