A: price>=5,price<=10
B: price>5,price<10
C: price<=5,price<=10
D: price>=5,price>=10
- 为查询Products表中,价格Price在5-10元之间的产品信息,请补全以下SELECT语句 SELECT ProductID,ProductName,Price FROM products WHERE_________ AND_________
- 为查询Products表中,价格Price在5-10元之间的产品信息,请补全以下..._______ AND_________
- 有如下SQL语句: SELECT DISTINCT productName, price FROM product WHERE (price>;(SELECT AVG(price) FROM product)) ORDER BY price DESC; 下面说法错误的是( )。 A: "SELECT AVG(price) FROM product "是子查询 B: "ORDER BY price DESC"是指按price从低到高顺序排列 C: 查询结果显示的是大于平均价格的产品记录 D: 此查询显示的字段只有"productName"和"price"
- 查询book表中price字段的最大值,查询语句是: A: select max(price) from book; B: select min(price) from book; C: select price from min book; D: select price from max book;
- Suppose that a consumer is consuming 10 units of a discrete good and the price increases from $5 per unit to $6. However, after the price change the consumer continues to consume 10 units of the discrete good. What isthe loss in the consumer’s surplus from this price change? A: $ 0 B: $ 4 C: $ 5 D: $ 10
- 0
If the price of a product decreases by 10 per cent and sales increase by 5 per cent, demand for that product would be said to be price inelastic.
- 1
- 2
如要使用一个SELECT语句来显示价格(price)小于5.0的id_number,应使用如下的哪个子句 A: WHERE price<5.00 B: HAVING price<5.00 C: ORDER BY price<5.00 D: GROUP BY price<5.00
- 3
下面在sh_goods表中根据cat_id升序排序,当cat_id相同时按price降序排序的语句是()。 A: SELECT * FROM sh_goods ORDER BY price DESC,cat_id; B: SELECT * FROM sh_goods ORDER BY price ,cat_id; C: SELECT * FROM sh_goods ORDER BY cat_id DESC,price; D: SELECT * FROM sh_goods ORDER BY cat_id,price DESC;
- 4
【单选题】显示图书信息表中不同书架图书的平均价格大于50元的书架号和平均价格。能得到正确结果的SELECT语句是 A: select casename,AVG(price) <br> from bookinfo group by casename where AVG(price)>50 B: select casename,AVG(price)>50 from bookinfo group by casename C: select casename,AVG(price) <br> from bookinfo<br> having AVG(price)>50 group by casename D: select casename,AVG(price) <br> from bookinfo group by casename<br> having AVG(price)>50