Which of the following pairs of words best represents the essence of creativity?
A: Old vs. New 舊與新
B: Correct vs. Wrong 對與錯
C: Ordinary vs. Extraordinary 平凡與非凡
D: Simple vs. Complex 簡單與繁複
- Multiple-Choice Question Which of the following pairs of words best represents the essence of creativity? 以下的哪一對詞最恰當地描述了創意?
- Multiple-Choice Question <br/>Which of the following kinds of reward is good for developing your creativity?<br/>下列哪種獎勵對創意的發展有好處? A: Intrinsic and extrinsic rewards 内在與外在獎勵 B: Applause and fame 掌聲和名譽 C: Money, house, and power 金錢、房屋和權力 D: Reward that works for you 對你有效的獎勵
- “與”介進比較的對象,相當於“跟……相比……”的是 A: 詐而襲之,與先驚而後擊之,一也。 B: 漢王與義帝發喪。 C: 所欲與之聚之,所惡勿施爾也。 D: 諸君子皆與驩言,孟子獨不與驩言,是簡驩也。
- 對下列字與字的關係判定正確的是() A: “遊”與“游”是異體關係 B: “泪”對應的繁體是“淚” C: “岩”對應的繁體是“巖” D: “点”與“點”是異體關係
- The best dichotomy which can describe about the theme of F. S. Fitzgerald"s The Great Gatsby is______. A: children"s innocence vs. adults" decadence B: spiritual wilderness vs. material civilization C: the innate evils of man vs. human perfectibility D: conservatism vs. liberal-mindedness
- 0
- 1
A vs. B 100–55 B vs. C 100–95 A vs. C 90–85 B vs. D 80–75 A vs. D 75–80 C vs. D 60–55 B队是小组第二,是否正确?
- 2
【单选题】In the short transmission line model, the relative size of the sending end voltage Vs and the receiving end voltage Vr depends on the load power factor. Which of the following is correct? Power factor = 0.8 (leading) Power factor = 1 Power factor = 0.8 (lagging) A Vs > Vr Vs < Vr Vs < Vr B Vs < Vr Vs = Vr Vs < Vr C Vs < Vr Vs = Vr Vs > Vr D Vs > Vr Vs > Vr Vs > Vr A. See item A in the problem B. See item B in the problem C. See item C in the problem D. See item D in the problem
- 3
中英文化中思维的差异主要存在______三个方面. A: 综合性思维 vs.分析性思维 B: 客体意识 vs.主体意识 C: 抽象思维 vs.具象思维 D: 形合vs.意合
- 4
下列哪些属于相关性共同点联想? 低价格 VS. 高质量|健康 VS. 美味|;环保 VS. 简约;|快速 VS. 便捷