Multiple-Choice Question
I can participate in discussion forum and win Creativity Coins by using...
A: Mobile phone 手機
B: Television 電視
C: Computer 電腦
D: Dream 做夢
I can participate in discussion forum and win Creativity Coins by using...
A: Mobile phone 手機
B: Television 電視
C: Computer 電腦
D: Dream 做夢
- True or False <br/>Do you know that participating in discussion form will not only help you foster creativity, but it will also help you win Creativity Coins? 你知不知道參與討論區活動不單可以使你更有創意,也會讓你贏得創意金幣? A: No 不知道 B: Yes 知道
- True or False <p></p> <p></p> <p>Do you know that participating in discussion form will not only help you foster creativity, but it will also help you win Creativity Coins? 你知不知道參與討論區活動不單可以使你更有創意,也會讓你贏得創意金幣?</p> <p></p>
- Multiple-Choice Question<br/>Creativity is about... 創意是關於... A: the product 產品 B: the performance 表現 C: the process 過程 D: the profession 專業
- Multiple-Choice Question <br/>What is creativity? 什麼是創意? A: Creativity is something that comes through you not from you. 創意是通過你而不是來自你的東西。 B: Creativity moment can happen to anyone. 創意時刻可能發生在任何人身上。 C: Creativity does not belong to anyone. 創意不屬於任何人。 D: Creativity is triggered by experiences. 創造性是由經驗引起的。 E: All of the above 以上皆是
- Multiple-Choice Question<br/>Creativity is… 創意是… A: a single process of breaking habits. 打破習慣的單一過程。 B: multiple processes of following a habit. 遵循習慣的多個過程。 C: multiple processes of exploration. 多個探索過程。 D: multiple processes of exploration and evaluation. 多種方式的探索和評估過程。