• 2022-06-12
    I paid __________for the new book.
    A: half pound
    B: one pound and half
    C: one and a
    half pounds
    D: one and a
    half pound
  • C


    • 0

      () Hehasbeenherefor_____________. A: one and a half months B: one and the half months

    • 1

      The doctor paid ________ for the books. A: one pound B: two pounds C: nothing D: something

    • 2

      A.Two years.B.Half a year.C.One and a half years.D.One year. A: Two years. B: Half a year. C: One and a half years. D: One year.

    • 3

      One and a half bananas on the table.

    • 4

      It ____ one hour and a half to get there. A: cost B: took C: spent D: paid