• 2021-04-14
    “Shipment before 31 May ,2012”装运时间规定包括“31 May ,2012”。
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      关于装运时间的规定方法,下列不宜采用的是( )。 A: Shipment in March,2019 B: Shipment quickly C: Shipment before or at the end of Sep.2019 D: Shipment in July/August,2019

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      When does the woman want to take a leave A: June 30 to July 1. B: May 1 to May 30. C: June 1 to June 30. D: May 31 to June 4.

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      31、31.Everyone may dream of _____ a successful career. A: have B: to have C: having D: had

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      The Thanksgiving Day is on ______. A: Feb.14a B: Oct. 31't C: the last Thursday in Nov. D: the first Sunday in May

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      信用证规定:“Shipment During Mar/Apr/May in three equal monthly lots”。因生产原因.3月份的货未能装运,3、4、5三个月份货拟于4月份装运。根据《跟单信用证统一惯例》(《UCP600》),( )。