• 2022-06-12
    Because of substantial economies of scale, the _____ theory argues that trade can increase the variety of goods available to consumers.
    A: absolute advantage
    B: technological gap
    C: new trade
    D: factor endowments
  • C


    • 0

      Which trade theory is tantamount to a short-run version of the factor price equalization theory?

    • 1

      _______explains how mutually beneficial trade can take place even when one nation is less efficient than another nation in the production of all commodities.( ) A: Mercantilism B: The law of comparative advantage C: The labor theory of value D: The law of absolute advantage

    • 2

      Nations engage in trade primarily because no nation can produce all of the goods and services that it needs.

    • 3

      The H-O model extends the classical trade model by: A: explaining the basis for comparative advantage B: examining the effect of trade on factor prices C: both A and B D: neither A nor B

    • 4

      Which of the the following statements is true true ? ( ) A: “Two countries can achieve gains from trade even if one of the<br/>countries has an absolute advantage in the production of all goods.” B: “Certain very talented people have a comparative advantage in<br/>everything they do.” C: “If a certain trade is good for one person, it can’t be<br/>good for the other one.” D: “If trade is good for a country, it must be good for everyone in the country.”