• 2022-06-12
    What kind of hook will help catch fish
    A: One with light colon
    B: One that is smaller than your bait.
    C: A hook you are in favor.
    D: One with a fish shape.
  • B


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      中国大学MOOC: Setting a scene is one typical hook to open an argumentative essay.

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      I raw fish, but I’d like to try it one day.

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      总有一天,有人介入了你的眼,到时候你就不会这么口无遮拦了。 A: One of these days, someone will catch your eye, and then you'll have to watch your tongue. B: One of these days, someone will fall your eye, and then you'll have to watch your tongue. C: One of these days, someone will catch your eye, and then you'll have to shut your tongue. D: One of these days, someone will go your eye, and then you'll have to watch your tongue.

    • 3

      中国大学MOOC: emphasize that you are talking about one thing or one kind of thing rather than other similar ones

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      Since you have lost your watch, I’ll give you ________. A: a one B: one C: the one D: mine one