• 2021-04-14
    families living in temporary accommodation
  • more than 100,000


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      The traditional household consists of ________. A: a husband, wife, and children (and sometimes grandparents) B: a group of related persons living together C: two or more families living together D: a man and a woman living together (whether married or not)

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      “Sadness and loss, however temporary, are only natural when living in a new place far from home.” Is it true or false?()

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      中国大学MOOC: Most of the kids from rich families are spoiled heirs with little responsibilities and they are living ______ their parents.

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      Overcrowding has weakened the ______ tradition of extended families living together. A: nourished B: cherished C: fancied D: scanned

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      ​Most of the kids from rich families are spoiled heirs with little responsibilities and they are living ______ their parents.​ A: off B: at C: through D: from