• 2022-06-12
    Some students can't attend ground classes because they ______.
    A: are too lazy
    B: don't have the money to study
    C: may not be able to attend classes for military reasons
    D: are sick or too busy
  • D


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      Should college students be to attend classes? Some say it should be up to the students to decide. What do you think

    • 1

      As a general rule, students are ___ to attend classes during weekdays.

    • 2

      I shall be busy next Monday. I _____ classes the whole morning and _____ a lecture in the afternoon. A: have, attend B: am having, would attend C: would have, would attend D: shall be having, shall be attending

    • 3

      The two colleges have a ( ) arrangement whereby students from one college can attend classes at the other. A: international B: interpersonal C: repetitive D: reciprocal

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      _____3.It’s too expensive. We don’t have the money