A: Afore deck
B: Bfore quarter
C: Caft quarter
D: Dforecastle deck
- Why is the main deck also called weather deck?
- The rubbish should be collected on ()and disposed of 25 miles off the land. A: Athe poop deck B: Bthe main deck C: Cthe forecastle deck D: Dlower deck
- The deck loads on a ship are distributed through the deck beams to the().
- It is possible,and sometimes necessary,to strengthen the deck of a vessel for carriage of deck cargo by().
- 65. The ____ is the intermediate deck between upper deck and the inside bottom of the vessel.
- 0
词汇与结构 The flight deck temperature is controlled manually by setting the flight deck temperature ______ to the manual mode.
- 1
甲板部有九个人。() A: AThere are nine people in the deck department. B: BThe department has nine people C: CThere are nine people in the deck de D: DThe deck has nine people.
- 2
___ protects the cargo from the various natural and atmospheric conditions. A: Forecastle B: Poop deck C: Hatch cove D: oat deck
- 3
大副负责整个甲板部的维修保养工作。() A: AThe chief officer is responsible for the overall maintenance of the deck department. B: BThe second officer is responsible for the overall cleaning of the deck department. C: CThe third officer is responsible for the overall maintenance of the deck department. D: DThe chief officer is responsible for the overall cleaning of the deck department.
- 4
词汇与结构The flight deck temperature is controlled manually by setting the flight deck temperature ______ to the manual mode. A: select B: selector C: selection D: selective