• 2022-06-12
    We had a good time there, and the food was plentiful and()
    A: conductive
    B: wholesome
    C: helpful
    D: appreciative
  • B


    • 0

      We had a good time during our ______ holiday. A: two weeks' B: two-weeks C: two week's

    • 1

      You have no idea _____ then. A. what a hard time we had B. we had what a hard time C. what we had hard time D. what hard time we had

    • 2

      We would have dropped by if we _____ time . A: had B: had had C: have D: should have

    • 3

      If we ______enough time, we would have carried out the plan. A: A had had B: B had have C: C have had D: D had

    • 4

      They had _____ time in the countryside last Sunday. A: good B: better C: a good D: best