Which is not the spirit of Chinese tea ceremony?
- Which of the following statement is not the distinctive feature of<br/>Chinese tea ceremony? () A: From the way you practice tea ceremony, you show us what kind of<br/>person you are. B: Chinese tea ceremony requires peace and pureness. C: The tea ceremony in China calls for authenticity. D: The tea ceremony in China calls for luxury.
- Japanese tea ceremony were derived from Chinese tea culture.
- In the Chinese tea ceremony, there are four tenets that a tea drinker should observe, i.e. color, form, aroma and price.
- Which type of tea is the most popular type of Chinese tea?( ) A: Green tea B: White tea C: Yellow tea D: Black tea
- Chinese tea ceremony was born as a result of the respect for nature and need for peace. The philosophies of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism have blended together giving birth to the magical Chinese tea ceremony. A: 产生 B: 分娩 C: 导致 D: N/A