A: Organization for Standards Institute
B: Organization for Internet Standards
C: Open Standards Institute
D: Open Systems Interconnection
- 【单选题】OSI参考模型中的OSI表示的是 A: Organization Standard Institute B: Organization Standard Interconnection C: Open System Internet D: Open System Interconnection
- OSI是OSI/RM的简称,全称是Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model,意为开放系统互连参考模型。()
- 151. Which information is NOT provided in broadcasts by the National Institute of Standards and Technology? __ ____
- 查询国外标准信息的主要网站有() A: Standards Australia On-line http://www.standards.com.au B: IEEE Standards http://standards.ieee.org C: International Labour Organization http://www.ilo.org D: The National Standards System Network http://www.nssn.org E: Standards Council of Canada http://www.scc.ca F: National New Zealand http://www.standards co.nz
- Which are the major challenges of blockchain today? A: Industry adoption B: Standards and governance C: Technology D: Organization and culture
- 0
The Standards of Practice Handbook is least likely to require a member of member’s firm to disclose which of the following to clients and prospective clients() A: Underwriting relationships. B: Market-making activities. C: Obligation to abide by CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct.
- 1
Which information is NOT provided in broadcasts by the National Institute of Standards and Technology? ___ A: Storm warnings B: Time announcements C: Omega status information D: NAVAREA warnings
- 2
Members of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board are appointed and overseen by: ( ) A: the U.S. Congress. B: the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. C: the Auditing Standards Board. D: the Securities and Exchange Commission.
- 3
The two focuses of the American educational reforms in the mid-1980s<br/>were_______. A: the raising of the standards of teaching and the improving of the<br/>standards of learning B: the raising of the standards of teaching and lowering the standards<br/>of testing C: the raising of the standards of teaching and learning and the<br/>restructuring of the schools. D: None of the above.
- 4
Members of the of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board are<br/>appointed and overseen by ( ) A: the B: the<br/>American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. C: the Securities and Exchange Commission. D: the<br/>Auditing Standards Board. E: Congress.