• 2021-04-14
    is money paid in and increases the running total, whereas a debit is a payment from the account and decreases
  • A credit


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      The 452 million dollars was the total amount of money that _______. A: the US owed to the UN B: the US was required to pay by December C: the US Congress approved for arrears payment D: the US paid to the UN as part of the arrears payment

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      When conducting an open-market sale, the Fed () A: buys government bonds, and in so doing increases the money supply. B: buys government bonds, and in so doing decreases the money supply. C: sells government bonds, and in so doing increases the money supply. D: sells government bonds, and in so doing decreases the money supply.

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      With the increase of pressure altitude, . A: thrust increases, drag increases, thrust minus drag increases B: thrust decreases, drag decreases, thrust minus drag increases C: thrust decreases, drag decreases, thrust minus drag decreases D: thrust decreases, drag decreases, thrust minus drag does not change

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      When the Fed makes an open-market sale, it:( ) A: increases the money multiplier (m). B: increases the currency-deposit ratio (cr). C: decreases the monetary base (B). D: increases the monetary base (B).

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      Inflation occurs when: ( ) A: the stock of goods and services increases and the quantity of money in circulation decreases. B: the money supply decreases and the output increases. C: output increases faster than the money supply. D: the quantity of money in circulation rises faster than the stock of goods and services.