Which of the following works belongs to William Wordsworth?
A: Ode to the West Wing
B: Don Juan
C: Daffodils
D: Ode to a Nightingal
A: Ode to the West Wing
B: Don Juan
C: Daffodils
D: Ode to a Nightingal
- Byronic Hero was created by Lord Byron in one of his following works ---------. A: Don Juan B: Ode to the West wind C: She Walks in Beauty D: Daffodils
- William Wordsworth is famous for his________. A: Ivanhoe B: The Prelude C: Ode to Autumn D: Don Juan
- Which of the following is the autobiographical poem by William Wordsworth(). A: Lucy Ballads B: Ode on Duty C: Ode on Intimations of Immorality D: The Prelude
- Which of the following was not written by John Keats? ( ) A: Ode to the west wind B: Ode to Autumn C: Ode to a Grecian Urn D: Ode to a Nightingale
- 6. Which of the following poems is written by Keats? A: Ivanhoe B: I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud C: Ode to Autumn D: Don Juan