The poem
Auld Lang Syne,
now the universal parting-song of the English-speaking peoples, was
occupied by _________.
A: Alfred Tennyson
B: William Blake
C: William Wordsworth
D: Robert Burns
Auld Lang Syne,
now the universal parting-song of the English-speaking peoples, was
occupied by _________.
A: Alfred Tennyson
B: William Blake
C: William Wordsworth
D: Robert Burns
- The lyrics of the well-known song “Auld Lang Syne” is a poem written by __________. A: Robert Burns B: William Blake C: William Wordsworth D: Samuel Coleridge
- Which two English poets are responsible for the collection known as the Lyrical Ballads? A: William Wordsworth and Robert Southey B: Robert Burns and William Blake C: William Wordsworth and Samuel Tayler Coleridge D: Robert Southey and Walter Scott
- In English Romantic period "Lake Poets" refers to Robert Southey, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and ______. A: William Wordsworth B: William Blake C: Percy Bysshe Shelley D: Robert Burns
- “The poet of the peasants” is a title given to the greatest Scottish poet ____. A: William Blake B: John Donne C: Robert Burns D: William Wordsworth
- Credit should be given to ( )for the preservation of the Scottish song “Auld Lang Syne”. A: Taylor Coleridge B: Mathew Arnold C: John Keats D: Robert Burns
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In the Victorian Age, the main poets include the following except ___. A: Alfred Tennyson B: Robert Browning C: Mrs. Browning D: William Blake
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中国大学MOOC: The lyrics of the well-known song “Auld Lang Syne” is a poem written by __________.
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The Vision of Piers Plowman, a long poem with 7277 lines, is written by (). A: William Shakespeare B: William Blake C: William Langland D: William Wordsworth
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Paradise Lost is the masterpiece of______. A: William Shakespeare B: Robert Burns C: John Milton D: William Blake
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The Story of the Three Bears was written by ____.( ) A: Samuel Taylor Coleridge B: William Blake C: Robert Southey D: William Wordsworth