• 2022-06-14
    Which of the following description about the strange man is WRONG?
    A: His voice was rough and uneducated.
    B: His face was totally strange to Sheppard.
    C: His voice reminded Sheppard of someone’s voice that he knew.
  • B


    • 0

      He spoke in an effeminate voice. That means his voice sounds like that of ________.

    • 1

      In his son’s eyes, he is boring and strange, because he’s serious about grammar, which he doesn’t like very much.

    • 2

      Only by shouting at the top of his voice _____ .

    • 3

      He speaks quickly, the tone of his voice so commanding that it silences everyone.

    • 4

      Mother _____ my brother to keep his voice down but he ignored her.