• 2022-06-14
    The following are not features of C language: ( )
    A: Low level advaned programming language
    B: Allow direct access to the physical address to operate on the hardware
    C: Rich operators and data types in C language
    D: Object oriented programming language
  • D


    • 0

      Which of the following are the features of language used in low-context communication? A: direct B: confrontational C: explicit D: vague

    • 1

      数据和算法用________来描述,计算自动化的核心任务就是________。 A: software,software design B: programming language,coding C: program,programming D: data structurs,algorithms

    • 2

      Firth insisted that the object of linguistics is (). A: language itself B: language in actual use C: language variation D: language skills

    • 3

      The Yi language branch include the following language except ( ). A: Naxi language B: Dai language C: Hani language D: Lisu language

    • 4

      以下程序执行时输入Language Programming,输出结果是( )。56b5c0b5e4b0e85354c09392.png