• 2022-06-14
    The patient suffered _________ brain trauma.
    A: serious
    B: seriously
    C: severe
    D: severely
  • C


    • 0

      There ______ with the washing machine. It doesn't work. A: is something seriously wrong B: are something wrong seriously C: is seriously something wrong D: are something wrong serious

    • 1

      Our teacher is really (serious) ________; she never tells jokes.(2.0) A: serious B: seriously

    • 2

      The patient was ________ to another hospital.  A: transferred B: suffered C: inferred D: conferred

    • 3

      The United States’ economy suffered severely from the two World Wars in the 20th century.

    • 4

      The students should take the exams__________ . A: serious B: seriously C: bad D: worse