• 2022-06-14
    The main idea of the passage is ____ .
    A: man must be careful not to disregard the laws of nature
    B: man can make use of the nature to fight
    C: nature is the most important element in a war
  • A


    • 0

      The passage suggests that ______. A: one's intelligence is born by nature B: people can be trained to make best use of their mental abilities C: IQ tests are totally unreliable D: most psychologists are in favor of the idea of "self-efficacy"

    • 1

      The Confucian view of human nature explains the relationship between man and nature from the perspective of the unity of man and nature. Which kind of relationship does this reflect between man and nature? A: Control nature B: Live in harmony with nature C: Be submissive to nature. D: All of the above are wrong

    • 2

      Man may destroy the balance of nature, but, from time to time, nature takes a terrible______.

    • 3

      中国大学MOOC: Ralph Waldo Emerson regards nature as the purest and moral influence on man which can make people holy.

    • 4

      Man is not only a ______ in nature but also a ______ of nature.