• 2022-06-15
    It is unquestionable that drama is the highest glory of the English Renaissance.
  • 正确


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      Which of the following statements about the Renaissance is INCORRECT? A: It is believed to have originiated in Italy. B: The English Renaissance began in the late 14th century. C: The Elizabethan period is the height of the English Renaissance. D: Thomas More is one of the earliest humanists in England.

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      The real mainstream of the English Renaissance is ______. A: the Elizabethan drama B: the Elizabethan prose C: ancient poem D: romantic novel

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      Which of the following time period is the golden age of English drama? A: the Industrial Revolution period B: the Middle Ages C: the Modern time D: the Renaissance period

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      Two features are striking of this Renaissance movement. The one is a thirsting curiosity for _______ literature. Another feature of the Renaissance is the keen interest in _______. _______ is the essence of the Renaissance.

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      _____ is the central theme of the English Renaissance.