• 2022-06-15
    Emperor Qin unified China, which was an incredible achievement.
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      In Chinese history, ________was regarded as the first Emperor who unified China in ideology.

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      Qin Shi Huang was the founder of the Qin Dynasty and was the first emperor of a unified China. 秦始皇是首位完成中国统一的秦朝的开国皇帝。

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      中国大学MOOC: Qin Shi Huang unified China economically by standardizing the units of measurements such as .

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      The Great Wall was built by Qin Shihuang, the first emperor of China to protect the northern territories of China in 221 B.C.

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      To avoid a recurrence of the chaos, the First Emperor introduced the Qin script as the official writing and all the unified states had to use it.Since then, this newly standardized script, also known as the Clerical Script which derived from oracle-bone in