• 2022-05-27
    The construction of hospital culture should focus on innovation in inheritance, combined with the actual situation of the hospital, and build the hospital culture based on the principles of pertinence, operability, outstanding features, gradual progress, and leadership.
  • 内容

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      “中医院”翻译正确的是( ) A: Zhong Hospital B: Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital C: Traditional Medicine Hospital D: Chinese Medicine Hospital

    • 1

      At the meeting a decision was made______a hospital in this new area. A: build B: to build C: building D: to be built

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      Both of them found work in ___________. A: hospital B: the hospital

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      Who sent Mary to the hospital Mary was sent to the hospital by a ______.

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      在EBSCOhost数据库中,想要获取有关医院信息系统(hospital system)的英文文献,检索策略正确的是( ) A: "hospital system" B: ?hospital system? C: *hospital system* D: ‘hospital system’