F Group is known as ________ group.
A: departure
B: main carriage paid
C: main carriage unpaid
D: arrival
A: departure
B: main carriage paid
C: main carriage unpaid
D: arrival
- F Group is known as ________ group.
- The seller should not pay the main carriage in _____________________. A: CFR B: CIF C: CPT D: CIP E: FCA F: FAS G: FOB
- All the terms starting with a "C" require the seller to bear the main costs of carriage and risk during the transport.
- Evenki ethnic group is the only ethic group to breed_______. A: deer whistle B: Boat of the Forest C: horse dance D: reindeers E: wolves F: Oren G: horses H: H. Ohewen I: I. mascot J: J. Carriage of the Forest K: K. deer dance
- What is the main group of people that Steinbeck wrote about?