"You fake it" means you need to pretend that you are good at something.
- The phrase “Fake it till you make it” means to pretend to be good at something, and pretend to feel confident for the initial step.___________
- ______ means a lack of something that you need or want.
- If you use the tactic of old mother hubbard, it means that you pretend to be ______.
- “______ it” means you need to act confident and sound confident, even if you don’t feel confident. A: Fake B: Act C: Make D: Show
- 1 Complete the definitions. ► If something is a disaster, it is terrible. 1 If something is bound to happen, it will ____ certainly happen. 2 If something is likely to take place, it will ____ take place. 3 If something might happen, you can also say that it ____ happen. 4 If there’s a chance that something will happen, it means it is ____ that it will happen. 5 If you expect something to happen, it means you ____ it will happen. 6 If you think that something is unlikely, it means it is ____ not going to happen. 7 If you doubt that something will happen, it means you ____ think it is going to happen. 8 If you are pessimistic, you always believe that ____ things will happen.