• 2022-05-27
    John and his sister went for a picnic with a cousin of ______ (他们的).
  • theirs


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      Why was John at the hospital?() A: He went to see a friend B: He went to see a doctor C: He went to see his wife

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      John has very little contact with his sister abroad, they see each other once in a _____ moon.

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      The following statements are true EXCEPT _____ A: the writer learned the football rules by himself B: after watching the videos. the writer and his cousin went outside and<br/>played the ball C: the writer thanked his cousin for getting him into the game of<br/>football

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      —Do you know where John went, Sally —He ______ went skating with his sister. A: maybe B: might C: probably

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      After Not with the Band and John finished high school, John ______ A: had his hair cut B: went to college C: joined a band