• 2022-05-27
    It was getting dark and he suggested that we __ as soon as possible.
    A: went home
    B: would go home
    C: go home
    D: will go home
  • C


    • 0

      When does Jim usually __________ ? A: goes home B: go home C: go to home D: goes to home

    • 1

      在语料搜索引擎linggle中,如果我想知道go和home中间是否有to,应该在搜索框中输入( )。? go;%to home|go;/to home|go;^to home|go;?to home

    • 2

      在linggle中,如果想知道go和home中间是否有to,应输入 A: go?to home B: go#to home C: go_to home D: go%to home

    • 3

      “Do you want to stay for super?”---‘I______, if you don’t mind.’ A: would much rather go home B: would rather go home much C: much rather go home D: the same as

    • 4

      -What a heavy rain! A: to go out;stay at home B: to stay at home;go out C: going out;stay at home D: staying at home;go out