• 2021-04-14
    What is a cover letter?
  • It is a letter document sent with your résumé to provide additional information on your skills and experience.


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      What should always be attached to a CV? ( ). A: Personal profile B: Photograph C: Cover letter

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      Please read the following sentences and tickle the functions of a cover letter? A: A cover letter introduces you and your resume to the employer B: A cover letter is as important as a resume C: A cover letter can be sent to all employer. D: A cover letter gives factual information and details about your career so far.

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      What should always be attached to a CV? () A: Photograph B: Cover<br/>letter C: Personal<br/>profile

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      如果论文投稿时没有附上cover letter会发生什么? A: 没有附上cover letter,论文审稿过程更快 B: 没有附上cover letter,论文审稿过程会很慢 C: 没有附上cover letter,论文不会被受理 D: 没有附上cover letter,论文不可能在线投出

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      in your cover letter