• 2022-05-26
    Which is the major religion in Cambodia?
    A: Buddhism
    B: Hiduism
    C: Islam
    D: Christianity
    E: Taoism
  • A


    • 0

      What is the major religion in India? A: Hinduism B: Buddhism C: Christiantiy D: Islam E: Sikhism F: Taoism

    • 1

      Which of the folling religions is indigenous to China? A: Taoism B: Buddhism C: Christianity D: Islam

    • 2

      Which religion is originated in China? A: Buddhism B: Taoism C: Christianity D: Islamism

    • 3

      Which of the following religions are NOT the major religion in Italy? A: Roman Catholicism(罗马天主教) B: Hinduism(印度教) C: Buddhism(佛教) D: Islam(伊斯兰教) E: Taoism(道教)

    • 4

      ______ is the most ancient religion in the world.? Christianity|Judaism|Islam|Buddhism