• 2022-05-27
    It is the use of five flavors that makes the real Chinese diet so delicious and nourishing (a. 有营养的).
  • 中国菜之美味和营养,正是在于妙用了酸甜苦辣咸这五种味道。


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      As with diet therapy, each herb has one or more of the five flavors and one of five _____ (hot, warm, neutral, cool, cold). A: functions B: temperatures C: roles D: trends

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      What makes Chinese learning so difficult for foreigners?

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      According to the theory of five flavors of Chinese medicinals, herbs with function of dispersing and promoting qi movements usually have the taste of ( )。 A: Bitter B: Sweet C: Salty D: Pungent

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      Which of the following choice is not the principle of food health care for people with yin deficiency constitution? A: Nourishing by food with light quality B: Nourishing yin deficiency of five zang organs C: Nourishing qi D: Nourishing essence and blood

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      中国大学MOOC: Why are the Five Sacred Mountains of China so important in traditional Chinese culture?