• 2021-04-14
    Art Deco的美学图式是什么?
  • 几何、纯粹装饰线条的机械美


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      The Chrysler Building is still considered one of the finest examples of Art Deco architecture in the world

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      "Art Deco, like Art Nouveau, emphasizes medieval, Gothic, naturalistic decoration, the beauty of craftsmanship and the rejection of the characteristics of the mechanized age. A: 正确 B: 错误

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      Whichones of these are names of western architectural styles? A: Baroque B: Rococo C: Art Deco D: Renaissance

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      装饰艺术(Art Deco)演变自十九世纪末的新艺术(Art Nouveau)运...(如东方的书法与工艺品)的有机线条。(

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      20世纪20年代开始在欧美盛行的“装饰艺术”风格也称为“什么风格”? A: Art Deco风格 B: 新古典主义风格 C: 美式风格 D: 现代主义风格