• 2022-05-27
    Which part of the worker honey bee leg is long and flat?
    A: The first tarsal segment
    B: The second tarsal segment
    C: The third tarsal segment
    D: The fourth tarsal segment
  • A


    • 0

      The prismatic transmission shaft is shown in the figure. Wheels B and D are driving wheels and wheels A, C ,E are driven wheels. If the input powers on driving wheels B and D are equal, the output powers on driven wheels A, C and E are equal too, and if only torsional deformation is considered and bending deformation is not considered, the position of dangerous section is ( ).[img=385x158]1803a368564fb94.png[/img] A: Only in segment AB; B: In segment BC; C: In segment CD; D: In segment AB and segment DE.

    • 1

      Segment 1: Excellent recommendation ()().

    • 2

      Which floor is the flat on() A: On the first floor. B: On the second floor. C: On the third floor. D: On the fourth floor.

    • 3

      From an operations perspective, market segmentation is important because A: Order qualifiers may differ by customer segment B: Both order winners and qualifiers may differ by customer segment C: Market segmentation is not relevant to operations D: Order winners may differ by customer segment

    • 4

      Competition in the market segment with businesses that offer the same type of product or services is referred to as A: segment competition B: free-market competition C: direct competition D: indirect competition