• 2022-05-27
    Being a team player does not mean that you do not have ideas of your own and just follow the __________.
    A: head
    B: herd
    C: hare
    D: hip
  • B



    • 0

      Usually, you shake your head to mean “No”, but in many parts of India, people shake their heads to mean “Yes”.=Usually, you shake your head to mean “No”, but it/this is ____in many parts of India.

    • 1

      In team work, you are supposed to never _____ (强加于) your personal ideas on someone else. Otherwise people feel compelled to do something.

    • 2

      You should _____ an apology to your teacher for being late. A: have B: do C: take D: make

    • 3

      ___________ is the top player in this football team? A: Who do you think B: Do you think whom C: Whom do you think D: Do you think whose else

    • 4

      ‎In your self-introduction you should introduce your own achievements instead of your team achievements. ‎